202-780-5153 info@nidellaw.com

Flint, We Have a (water) Problem

Lead Levels in Flint Water Exceed Federal and State Limits

Residents of the City of Flint, Michigan have had their world turned upside down with new reports that the water in their homes and in their schools is tainted with poisonous lead. This appears to be due to the City’s decision to provide water supplied from the Flint River, water than happens to be highly corrosive. The water itself does not seem to be the culprit, rather it is the corrosive nature of the water that allows it to leach lead from water pipes that contain lead and build up lead levels in the water.

Residents are now singing a chorus of “Don’t drink the water” given the concerns about contaminants in the water and rising levels of lead in children. NPR has Lead in Flint – NPR on the water showing that the rate of children with elevated lead levels has more than doubled in Flint before and after the City’s switch.

Nidel Law, PLLC has been investigating the connection between the City’s water and various problems among residents including corroded appliances, lead poisoning, and other issues that may be related to the water like damaged teeth.  If you or a loved one is concerned that you may have been impacted by the water in Flint, please contact an attorney at Nidel Law to see if we can help.
