About Nidel & Nace, PLLC
Nidel & Nace is dedicated to protecting your health and preserving our environment. We are also focused on protecting the rights of the consumer, especially the right to understand the hazards of dangerous products.
At Nidel & Nace we combine a top-tier science and engineering education with legal expertise. This makes us uniquely suited for the complex legal and scientific issues surrounding environmental and toxic injury litigation. This pursuit can involve a long and hard fight with no guarantee of victory. However it is important that there be a voice for the voiceless and it is our mission to provide that voice.
In addition to helping private individuals, state and local governments, and non-profits – Nidel & Nace is happy to help private businesses confronted with environmental hazards resulting from the negligence or lack of care of others. The work of Nidel & Nace encompasses many areas of practice – including traditional environmental law and toxic injury litigation.