Meridian Heights Idaho Water – Is it Safe for Drinking?
Documents and data obtained from the State of Idaho confirms that for a number of recent years residents have been given excessive amounts of radiation in their drinking water. One particularly egregious example is in the Meridian Heights Water District. Between...
ADA and HHS Working Together to Downplay Fluoride’s Disproportionate Harm to Minorities
It is not clear why the American Dental Association®, a private organization that is heavily invested in promoting water fluoridation, would have an ally in our nation’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), but it is clear from this April 19, 2011...
Surgeon General Urges Teens to Stop Indoor Tanning
Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States. In response, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a call to action to prevent skin cancer. The Surgeon General noted that despite the fact that most skin cancer is preventable, the rates of skin cancer are on the rise.